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Natalie is a registered yoga instructor with Yoga Alliance (RYT-200), Usui Reiki 

Master, Registered Karuna Reiki® Master, and EFT practitioner. She completed her Hatha Yoga training at Purple Yoga Studio and Yoga for kids training through Mini Yogis® with Shana Meyerson. Her focus is on the therapeutic potential of yoga and energy therapy to heal,  balance and strengthen overall body, mind, spirit connection.


She has experienced first hand the many wonderful benefits of yoga and alternative medicine.  She was first introduced to alternative medicine and energy healing at the young age of 9 by her mother while finding ways to remedy her constant headaches and digestive problems. Her yoga path began in 2001 when she had a lower back injury and after recovering from it, a friend suggested yoga practice to keep her lower back strong and healthy. Yoga not only helps keep her back healthy but also assists her in finding peace, healing and self discovery. Since then, she has been fascinated by the wonderful implications of alternative medicines, yoga, energy works and spirituality.


Natalie is continuously seeking, exploring and studying various methods. Her objective has always been to use her skills and knowledge to achieve optimal health, personal growth and balance in all areas of life and to share them with others. She is truly passionate about helping others to heal, grow and transfrom.


She is currently living with her husband and their wonderful cat in Orange County, Ca. Aside from seeking knowledge about yoga and alternative medicines; she also enjoys traveling, art & craft, and cooking. She is also a business professional with a career in fashion design and merchandising. She has extensive experience in retail planning, distribution, buying, visual merchandising, store operation and floral designing.


Her plan is to add more healing modalities, workshops and other events to better service her clients’ welfare.


She looks forward to assisting and partnering with her clients in their health and wellness journey - Namaste!


 In love and light,


Natalie Alexander, B.A, RYT